
My name is Chris.

I’m from Washington and have been coding and doing music since 2016. My first instrument was an Arturia Minibrute, hence the name “Synth Chris.” Unfortunately, I no longer have it. Rest in peace.


I am primarily a metal guitarist, and I produce my solo work myself and dabble in other genres or roles whenever the project calls for it.

I’ve put out a few releases since I first picked up my brother’s old guitar. I’ve learned about production, theory, guitars, audio, and basic DSP. I’ve collaborated with many musicians, mostly vocalists, and have contributed to a few bands. I also have a YouTube channel where I post covers and videos about my music projects.

Check out my latest release!


I have been studying Computer Science and trying to connect it to music in my spare time. I pursue coding projects that interest me and that other musicians could potentially benefit from (guitar-to-theremin plugin, guitar and bass sample libraries, random MIDI generators, etc.). You can find my projects, including the coding projects, in my Projects page.

Check out my latest project!